Reflection #3: Social Constructivism

We may not realize it, but technologychanges for different reasons rather than just making people’s lives easier. Some reasons may be for political reasons while others may be to undermine a certain social group. Whatever the reaon may be, it is intentionally done. Everything happens for a reason. I honestly don’t think that things change due to unintentional circumstances. There is always a reason, whether it is illogical or not, but there is always a change. Sometimes these changes may have to be looked at using different types of social lenses.

Changes in technology may not always be the best idea for a certain social group. But the fact of the matter is that that certain social group will have to adapt and make the necessary changes to work with the changes in technology that they are facing. That is the history of technological changes and it will always be that way.

Let’s take education and computers/internet for example. Most of a student’s classes are lectures to which they have to attend but homework and any announcements from the professor require the student to use a computer and internet to be able to do their work and keep up with the class. If a student is full-time and also works full time, they will probably not have time to stay in school and do their work if they don’t have a computer and internet at home. Also, if they are struggling to get buy, they may not be able to afford a computer and a monthly internet bill. This makes it more difficult for that student to keep up with their work since most of the work is handled outside the classroom.

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